Thursday, August 6, 2015

Ferramenta Gestao de Google Para gestao de projeto tecnologicos

31/10/2014 - Google e suas ferramentas que podem te ajudar profissionalmente

O maior site de buscas e também o mais visitado da web está ai para o que der e vier, nele você consegue encontrar, músicas, vídeos, localizar lugares e pessoas, ler e-mails, se manter atualizado com o que acontece no mundo, enfim, você acha informações sobre tudo e todos se procurar direitinho!
Pessoas de todas as idades e ocupações recorrem ao nosso amigo, na alegria e na tristeza, na saúde e na doença, ou até que a conexão caia. Assim, presenciamos a criação de um novo canal de comunicação em que pessoas e organizações podem utilizar para interagir não só com seus públicos, mas também com o mundo inteiro.
Hoje, o Google é uma ferramenta tão essencial para as pessoas que acessam a rede que é impossível não se lembrar da marca quando se fala de internet e a proposta de globalizar assuntos e organizar todas informações em um único lugar é uma das filosofias da organização. “O Google nasceu dentro de uma universidade e esta característica de valorização e sistematização de informações é muito presente em toda a organização” afirma Monica Santos, diretora de RH do Google Brasil.
Os usuários comuns além de poderem utilizar a plataforma mais completa de pesquisa da internet, ainda possuem à disposição uma infinidade de serviços de armazenamento em nuvem, bibliotecas com coleção de músicas, vídeos e livros. Além de suas famosas redes sociais e o sistema operacional para celulares mais utilizado no Brasil, o Android.
Utilizado para praticamente todas as buscas na internet, o Google também se tornou uma plataforma importante para pessoas que buscam empregos e para recrutadores também. Milhões de pessoas diferentes conectadas e interagindo a todo tempo, formando assim o maior banco de dados do mundo.
Conheça sete ferramentas do Google que pode te ajudar a alavancar sua carreira:


O Google é um dos precursores em redes sociais no Brasil, o Orkut que já foi a maior rede social do mundo é uma prova disso. Hoje o Orkut não existe mais, mas deu lugar ao Google+. Encontre amigos, empresas, aumente sua rede de colegas e amigos e faça networking nesta rede social.


Blogger, Google Drive e outras ferramentas podem te ajudar a compartilhar seu currículo e outras informações na rede, fazendo com que mais pessoas o vejam. Não fique na mesmice, utilize estas ferramentas para promover você e suas experiências. Que tal montar um blog para falar de sua carreira e conquistas ou uma galeria de imagens no Picasa que pode ser utilizado como um portfólio online.


A internet é uma das grandes mudanças do novo século que faz com que fatos percam sua validade muito mais rápido, por isso é importante se alimentar com informações diariamente e manter-se atualizado. O Google Notícias pode te interar com notícias do mundo todo, pois reúne uma infinidade de informações diárias, atualizadas a todo o momento.

Crie| Assista

O YouTube uma das maiores bibliotecas online de vídeos também é do Google e permite que seus usuários compartilhem vídeos diversos. Além de assistir vídeos de orientações para carreira e dicas profissionais diversas, é possível compartilhar um vídeo currículo, uma ferramenta cada vez mais utilizada e exigida pelo mercado de recrutamento.


Quer encontrar informações sobre aquela empresa que você tem vontade de trabalhar o Google te ajuda também. Além disso, com o Google Maps você encontra o endereço e não se perde mais para as entrevistas já que a ferramenta te ajuda com rotas e serve até como GPS.


Sim, a ferramenta básica e mais conhecida do Google é fundamental na hora de encontrar um emprego. Procure por empresas de recrutamento online que podem te ajudar na busca com diversas ferramentas.


Quer montar um currículo ou uma carta de apresentação com layouts diferentes? O Google imagens pode te ajudar, faça sua busca e encontre vários modelos que servirão de inspiração.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Technology managment online web App productivity tools

Original texts pubicados by consultant account, modified performing practices based, validating the origional texts
In a world where everyone is connected via smartphones, tablets and ultrabooks a few hundred applications and software that give that little hand in time to produce more and better. Did you know that these technologies can also increase the productivity of your company?
We selected  six tools  (applications and software), little different already published consultant porr blog with economic Objetive you to save time when organizing your tasks in the company and optimize their work. Check out:
Mini Company management biomass gpecufn How does it work?

Reply letter on a new university student UFRN  
The gpec community project works even model mini baja mechanical eng, aiming gpec fellows as a leader with qualified support team consultant Ex gpec of researchers to facilitate the project with support students volunteer using method of mini training company and training. juior of achievement, which is currently being used by the Sebrae, UFRN, federal technical school, also all best private school RN Flame Minicompany, everything worked in free time and all-volunteer. All participants will get training tools spreadsheets, google plus, sap stream pro, so possibility prof.Pannir "<>, providing training in Minicompany project management on line real time using Google software spreadsheets, drawings google, docs and video conference via hang out voice chat, voice and online videos webminar, Conference and virtual meeting online in real time. You can have more contacts with sequinte Project team MIni plant company pilots with gpec team to sequir 

Organization is everything to do already well made, (GTD, get the things done)

With many tasks to fulfill, a box full of emails to answer, the phone ringing and you do not know where to start tasks. A good help is put on paper all you need to do and start setting priorities. But instead of resorting to a single sheet of Word or an Excel spreadsheet, how about using an application that allows you to receive notifications on different platforms without losing data and with a pleasant interface?
For this wonder there and you do not have to pay for it. The  Wunderlist  is a task manager (versions for Windows, Mac, iOS and Android) that allows you to organize what needs to be done. You can divide the tasks into different groups by checking the main as favorites, creating reminders and even delegating them to others. Not find anything better than the use of task google and google calender.Acamos good use of to-do list application of  social cas t (see down, it makes feramenta important part of project management, the trabalhode dynamic group)
Slack,      brings all your communication in one place. It's real-time messaging, archiving and search of modern teams. slack is free to use for as long as you want and with an unlimited number of person s it 
htt the team of communication: all in one place, instantlyproject management and development company

Manage projects is not a task only companies with large teams. Employees working in home office or are in business trips need good technological infrastructure in time to complete tasks and are aligned with what needs to be done.
The Social redebiomassa of cast   is a project management platform that works similarly to a social network face book and google plus, complimentando network internal use project, google plus and face book are public external network
The tool features chat, notifications by e-mail, file sharing and many other functions in a private social network for your team. The Moovia also allows for you to connect with partners and customers together to improve communication and thereby improve outcomes. 
The  Moovia  is a project management platform that works similarly to a social network and aims to improve communication, increase engagement and bring productivity gains to the team. You have to pay for it if network ougrupo has mies that 02 .Recomendamosus this as their private working tool, but very high compared to other tool cost, already experienced last year app  Apptiva
 The Moovia system as well as being developed in Brazil (Florianópolis), has a friendly interface where you easily structure your project by defining the phases, tasks, deadlines and responsible can be priviada network according to contaazul company consultant.
itrix  a contented comprehensive management suite for maintaining Web sites.

This is a web content management system that provides stable functionality and security, and promotes cost-effective growth of your Internet project. It also allows you to minimize costs in maintaining the site due to its structure easy to use and salient content management features. One product license includes possibility to direct 2 sites on ONE product installation. The Bitrix Site Manager  includes 21 modules which empower web architechts and administrators to drive the content and structure in the most flexible manner. Forums, advertising, mailing lists, permission to frame comprehensive access, statistics and analytics of the site traffic and performance of hype, blogs, training courses and more -. You'll like them all The Bitrix Site Manager  features Key includes: design of integrated management system * Full-featured content Ecommerce Facilities of using * Advanced email marketing instruments * Effective to build integrated online communities with customers, markets, tasks, schedules System workflow * Flexible * Web analytics and advertising tools * Helpdesk System Online Site Manager Bitrix  favors: * System security, safety and reliability * Full Text source site capability * Multiple * Reusable components * Technology SiteUpdate * Well documented interface Application Programming * Simple design standard integration Online Bitrix Site Manager  supports multisite functionality; using one product copy is allowed to create two Web sites; It is possuble to purchase additional site licenses. The customer is able to choose between 5 product editions scaled according to company needs.


Bitrix Site Manager 7.0: Imagens

Working online simultaneously in real time 

With a single account with Google you and your team can use various tools to develop simultaneously and shared form documents. The  Google Drive, googogle doc  , known and used in many business tool, it is a complete service for storing, sharing and creation of files ..

Start the project with google tools accessing google drive and prepare the project design tool with google, google planinhas, then do realatiorios exportantando tuo work performed in documntos pdf via export spreadsheet to pdf make your presentation of research 
with access pedido com/ccc?key= 0AuQIzc4nqMvKdERYX0IyZkJjQTV2b WQwOEZVLXVBWVE &hl=pt_BR#gid=1 com/a/ key= 0AuQIzc4nqMvKdERYX0IyZkJjQTV2b WQwOEZVLXVBWVE&hl=en_GB#gid=0

Best of using Google Drive and its tools, as well as easy integration with other Google services like  Calendar and 

  • Google Drive
    Manage documents,  spreadsheets , presentations, surveys and more in one easy to use productivity suite. Getting started is very simple, just do ...
  • Google Spreadsheets : create and edit  spreadsheets  online for free.
    The  Google Spreadsheets  out your data with tables and color graphics. Integrated formulas, pivot tables and conditional formatting options save ...
  • Editor  spreadsheets  from  Google  is improved, changes name and  ...>  Companies and institutions  >  Google
    12/12/2013 -  The creator and editor  spreadsheets  from  Google  Drive, formerly known only as the "Spreadsheet", has been fully renovated. The service, which ...
  • the  Gmail is to provide a simultaneous collaborative environment for its employees. A text document created through it, for example, can be edited simultaneously by several people on the team. Integrated chat for discussions, facility to submit the assessment of customers and also the safety of not losing changes.After all,  the entire production will always be available in the cloud .

    Explore new ideas and projects 

    The mental map, to help support ideas provides a broad and organized vision of the concept that you are developing, and can be used in planning meetings and various other activities.

    The use voice   is a system to set up mental maps of ideas, online appoortunidade. It is free as long as you do not use very simultaneous maps projects. However, to begin to generate them freely, i do not cost very high as other nicial is $ 4.99 per month. Depending on the activity of your company, support systems can be great at times of creating and organizing references to development of new products or services.

    Make virtual meetings easily using google plus events and hangout and system 

    The shift to in-person meetings is not always simple. But the lack of meetings can lead to difficulties in conducting the work and lack of interaction between staff. The Google Hangouts    gte2014 is a complete solution for generating virtual meetings. It works in the browser or from the application for smartphones or tablets and can gather up to 10 people in a virtual meeting room.
    Another good tool you use can be   googleplus events  modern with easy integration to hangout with videos of you tube via online hangout 

    another system uses reuniaoes work of communication are app network
    Network GTE school biomass    already been used last year
    bicomb network design school biomass
    That way any member of the team with internet and a webcam can attend the meeting.With a Hangout is still possible to share your computer screen with others in the virtual meeting, do chats, use drawing tools, among other forms of interaction.

    Manage your finances Minicompany

    Finances are a fundamental part of any business. If this area is not well managed, the rest of the work is compromised.
    The intense workflow not always leaves room for the money to be well organized.As in? How much left? What expenses? As we will have to gain? Questions like this can consume staff time management. Using an online solution to optimize it may be able to greatly improve its management and competitiveness.
    The   orcfacilgpec 2014  is admittedly simple management system for micro and small enterprises in Brazil. Able to precisely control the corporate financial sector, sales, see live examples of blue comecial account systems, stock  and issue electronic invoices without complication. Besides having full support to resolve doubts and also help you get the maximum system benefits. It's a great solution to save time for what matters most in your business:. Generate value for your client These were some useful tips online solutions for your company. They will be both a help and time to optimize the work and still deliver more results for their clients and ensure the highlight of your brand in the market! :)
    What did you think of the topics of today? Account for us here in the comments :)
    A hug and see you soon! topics
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